Sunday, 6 January 2013

New year thoughts.

Some thoughts for the new year.

Get outside.
Take note of the morning sunrise and evening sunset.
Open the windows and breathe in the fresh air. Hold loved ones a little bit tighter.
 Be spontaneous. Be loving. Be patient. Be kind. Cherish.
 Do something you have always wanted to do.
Read more. Laugh more. Worry less.
Live for now and stop stressing over the future. Love and be loved.
 Believe in yourself.

 I feel like 2012 was a good learning curve for me. By the end of last year I had become a very anxious, worry some person. 

I spent a lot of time over Christmas and new year  reflecting on this. I don't want to live my life like that. My children are healthy. Blessed to have the lives they do. We are incredibly blessed to have all that we do.

What do you hope for  this year? 
Lauren x